Sunday, March 31, 2013


Shortly after the first trip to Gunung Datuk, I planned a three-in-one trip (hiking + kenduri + jalan2). Our next target is Bukit Saga, Ampang. It was Saturday 30th March 2013.

We departed from Melaka around 7.00 a.m and stop at R&R for breakfast. We reached Bukit Saga at around 9.00 a.m. and started hiking at 9.20 a.m. We were very lucky because on that day the Chinese community was celebrating a festival, so, not many people were there on that day.

Parked our car in front of the kindergarten not far from the starting point

From the car park, walk straight up to the starting point

Some of the visitors went down already

The steel stairs at Jalan Saga 28 marked the starting point

Early part of the trek

Cemented stairs at the early stage

Steep for a while

Next phase

1st check for a while

Thanks to those who provided this resting area

After 45 minutes hike, we reached the hill top

Well maintained

Not so many people on the hill top...but there were dogs around

Tongkat from Gunung Kinabalu...helped to shoo away dogs

Beware of dogs!

After 10 minutes rest, we resumed our hiking to the waterfall...we took this route

On the way to the waterfall
After 45 minutes of ups and down, we finally reached the waterfall...the trek was a bit muddy and slippery
There were a few people up there...most of them were preparing to go back when we arrived

Cool down first before taking the plunge

Job well done!

Rewarding ourselves..

 After 40 minutes at the waterfall, we started our hiking down. Otw down, we found this...there is a beirut if take C trail.

Menara besi (beirut) written with liquid paper

Washing ourselves at the end of the trekking

Tougher than Gunung Datuk they said...huhu
The starting/end point. Got people selling nasik lemak, fruit and drinks....

Hot Air Balloon Festival at Putrajaya
Our last destination before headed back to Melaka
One thing I have in my mind for the boys is to strengthen them physically and mentally. I believe this kind of activity helps to materialize the intention. Anyway, the kids enjoyed the trip so much especially the waterfall part at Bukit Saga but I think it was a bit too tough for them. Next trip maybe...Bukit Broga + G. Tok Wan. I've told them and they have agreed.


It was one-week school holiday. So, I planned a simple hiking trip for my two sons. On the 26th March 2013 we went to Gunung Datuk, Rembau. It was a great trip for both of them since this is their first time joining me for a hiking trip.

Pit stop at R&R Rembia for a breakfast

Bakso for energy
Since it was on weekday, there were not many people going up. A group from KL joined us since it was their first trip there. The trip was easy for both of the boys except during the last part where they had to climb the ladder to the peak. Anyway, they enjoyed the trip.

On top of Gunung Datuk

Muhammad Zaid

Muhammad Ubaidullah


Next trip??

The three of us
I need to plan more easy trips like this for my boys. They enjoyed it very much. Congratulations Along & Angah!!

Next trip in mind:

1. Bukit Saga
2. Bukit Broga & G. Tok Wan
3. .....
4. .....